Protecting Children and Vulnerable Adults




Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults

All staff at GRMC take their responsibilities to protect more vulnerable patients very seriously.

If you have concerns that anyone you know is in danger of abuse please feel free to discuss this with and member of clinical staff. For further advice on how to take your concerns further please see the following link that will take you to the Bristol City Council website. It details Bristol’s policy on protecting vulnerable adults and gives some pointers as to which agency you should share your concerns with.


Safeguarding Children

You should contact ‘First Response’ if you are a member of the public or professional and have concerns about the well-being of a child, or if you want to request support for a child or family. You can do this by accessing this on this website Reporting Concerns about a Child or by phoning First Response directly on 0117 903 6444.

You should also contact First Response as above if you need support with parenting or you think your child needs some help from children’s services in Bristol. They can help with a wide range of problems including your child’s behaviour, problems related to domestic violence or substance misuse.


Support for Families

Family Lives - this website offers support for families facing challenges.