Online Access Policy




Online Access

Patients can register for online access to book appointments, request prescriptions, view test results and access medical records. Online Access requests can be submitted to the practice:

  • Via the practice website
  • Forms can be obtained from reception and handed back in person
  • Patients can also initiate their own online access via setting up their profile on the NHSApp.

In all cases, proof of identification and documentation will need to be seen by the reception team. This is to ensure that medical information is kept confidential. Patients will then be sent a Registration Document which contains a Personal Identification Number, Personal Access Number, and instructions on how to register online. 

Proxy Access

Proxy user access can also be set up for children, relatives and dependants. This enables a parent, family member or carer to act on behalf of the patient with their online access tailored accordingly. 

Who can have access?

  • Online Service access is usually only provided to patients aged 16+, however this can be extended to patients aged 11-15 with parental or GP consent
  • Proxy access can be granted to parents/ carers for children under 11
  • Parents/carers can apply for proxy access for patients 11+ if it is felt to be in the child’s best interest and at the discretion of the practice

Applying for Proxy Access 11+

Applications for Proxy Access for 11+ will be considered by the practice on a case-by-case basis and only granted if reasonable cause for access has been identified, such examples include:

  • Patients with a record of learning difficulties that inhibit decision making
  • Patient with complex health needs and/or medications
  • Patients with a recorded disability and require advocacy

An appointment will be arranged for the patient to provide consent for proxy access unless the patient has been assessed and deemed not competent to consent.

Proxy Access 11+ for Online Services Accounts – Age Maturity

Proxy Access for patients’ online services account is automatically restricted when the patient reaches the age of 11.

Email sent automatically by EMIS 3 months before 11th birthday:

Dear [name],
You currently have proxy access to [patient name]’s online services. This access will be restricted on [date], when this child reaches the age of [age]. Please contact the practice if you want to continue to access this child’s online medical record and online services after they reach the age of [age].
This is an automatically generated email. Do not reply to it. Contact your practice if you have any questions regarding this email.
[Practice name]

Proxy Access 16+ – Age Maturity

Proxy Access is automatically revoked when the patient reaches the age of 16.

Email sent by EMIS 3 months before 16th birthday:

Dear [name],
You currently have proxy access to [patient name]’s online services. This access may be revoked on [date] when this child reaches the age of [age], unless the child has given explicit consent to proxy access.
This is an automatically generated email. Do not reply to it. Contact your practice if you have any questions regarding this email.
[Practice name] 

Email sent on the patient's 16th birthday:

Dear [name],
Your proxy access to [patient name]’s online services has been withdrawn because this patient is now [age] years old and is assumed to be competent to make decisions on who should have access to their online services.
This is an automatically generated email. Do not reply to it. Contact your practice if you have any questions regarding this email.
[Practice name]

Information for online proxy access age 11 - 15

Once a child reaches the age of 11, they are entitled to either give or withhold consent for parents/legal guardians to be able to access their online medical records.

When a child reaches their 11th birthday the proxy access service ceases.

In the eyes of the law a child is a child until they reach their 18th birthday. For the purposes of medical treatment, the boundaries are different and in some circumstances a child aged younger than 16 years may access medical services without the knowledge of their parents.  Further information is available on this via the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) website.

In those cases, the patient is entitled to retain their confidentiality. In light of this and in all cases, online proxy access will be withdrawn once the patient reaches their 11th birthday.

This does not remove parental/legal guardian consent or involvement in their child’s medical health care. As a parent/legal guardian, you may continue to act on behalf of your child, where this is in their best interest.

In some cases, it may be appropriate for parents/legal guardians to continue to access their child’s medical record online; examples include children with learning difficulties or complex health needs.  In these instances, proxy access may be granted in the child’s best interests at the discretion of the practice. If the child has physical needs and is competent to consent to proxy access, the registered GP may need to have a conversation with the child to assess the request. 

If you think you might have reason to retain proxy access to your child’s record, please complete a Proxy Access Consent Form for consideration by the practice.

Please note: Repeat prescriptions can be requested via our website without proxy access, via this link.

Please see our Online Services Information page for guidance on keeping your details safe and links to the request forms.